Thursday, February 26, 2009


Today was a good day. I was going and going from the moment I woke up. Although it wasn't the most relaxing day I got a lot done! And it helped that it was a lot of fun stuff.
Brett and I created our first joint account! Woohoo!.. We sent out a wedding deposit... I finally finished and sent our "save the dates" off to the printer. (PS the save the dates ROCK. We found the idea on the internet and were in love at first sight. I'll post them once I send them out)... Then I was off to a meeting.. Ran some errands.. and once everyone went to bed Brett and I became BALLOONatics!
It's birthday season in my house starting tomorrow. 3 in one week! Tony's birthday is first. Brett and I filled the living room with balloons and put streamers up. He doesn't know but I bought yummy food to make breakfast for him in the morning as well. I tried getting as much done as I could today so Brett and I can have some adventure tomorrow! We shall see where the wind takes us... As long as I'm next to him and I can get my fingers on that camera it will be a good day!

deposit paying BALLOONatics!

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