Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Everyday is Sweeter

"Everyday with Jesus is sweeter than the day before. I wouldn't want another life."
"and as you grow in the Lord he becomes dearer. Everyday is sweeter than the day before."
"As you walk with Him it does get sweeter as the days go by."

I pray that I am as faithful and in love with my saviour as these ladies are when I am their age.
How sweet are they?!
The elderly hold such a huge place in my heart...
"If you want to strengthen your faith you need to spend lots of time with the Lord."
These ladies have spent LOTS of time with the Lord. I could sit and listen to them and love them all day long. They hold such wisdom. I consider it such a blessing whenever I get to sit and just listen to stories and hear advice.

Everyday is Sweeter from Marcus Hackler on Vimeo.

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