We took our parents to the farm and showed them around. We had a lot of fun planning, looking at animals, walking through the fields, and buying some loot from the general store. I'm getting more and more excited about the wedding! It's all starting to fall together and I'm more in love with the farm every time we go there. It's perfect... It's us. I can't wait to go up again.

Ceremony Option #1: Oak Tree

Ceremony Option#2: Aisle of trees w/ two touching trees that make an arch at the "altar"
(these trees are going to be huge and green in July)

Reception (inside hedged area on left) and the field

Polk-a-dot chicken!

The most beautiful peacock I've ever seen!


OMG. It is going to be the most beautiful wedding ever!!!!! I am so excited for you guys!
ohhhh my love! This place is PERFECT. I can't really say more than that. iloveyou.
p.s- I love the aisle of trees the best:)
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