I have been waiting to feel the Christmas spirit but I have decided it's just too hot around here to really feel it. I've been trying to force it on myself but it just doesn't work like that. I'm happy to announce that tonight's Thursdate did it for me. I am officially "in the Christmas spirit". Tonight we dressed up and headed down to Balboa Park. We had reservations for dinner under "Gus Chiggins" at 5:30 at The Prado (we can only afford The Prado once a year IF we're lucky so we soaked it in). 2 rounds of hummus, 2 bowls of the best pasta ever, and 1 free dessert later and we were on our way to opening night of How the Grinch Stole Christmas!! It was incredible. It's been years since either of us have been and it rocked our socks off. Brett bought the tickets a long time ago so they were really cheap and we were so close I could touch the stage with my foot and look into the orchestra pit from my seat! Way to go babe! When directing us to our seats they made a joke about our seats being in the "Grinch's armpit" section:) I'll take a green, hairy, armpit anyday. It was phenomenal.

I was really excited that we could eat the flowers on our dessert plate... they were pretty good

Our waitress gave us a free dessert and told us to just pretend it's our anniversary tonight.
It was a vanilla bean Tahitian flan...
Favorite quote of the night from Brett: "It's Flantastic!"

They were very strict about no cameras so I had to take this on my phone...
My foot is touching the stage!

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