Wednesday, November 26, 2008

And that... that's your song.

As if Brett hasn't been amazing enough this week.. I got another surprise!

The surprise went a little something like this:
(we had just left church and it was really late at night. Brett said he would follow me to my house to make sure I got in ok but wasn't going to come inside. We got to my house and he told me he was going to come in for a second because he forgot he had to show me something.)

-He comes in, opens up his computer, and wants to show me a song.
-The song starts and I immediately smiled because one of the first lines is something B says to me a lot
- The song ends and he asks me if I liked it
- I say yes. It was cute because it reminded me of us and things Brett says to me.
- He said good because they wrote it for you.
- I told him that he was funny... but he was also a liar!
- After he realized that I really didn't believe him he opened up the emails between him and the band.
-My jaw hit the floor.

Turns out one of the bands we used to listen to a lot when we first started dating had started a project where they would write some songs for fans...
(You can learn about the project HERE!!)

Brett had sent Max Bemis of Say Anything an email a couple of months ago telling him that he was going to be proposing and gave him a list of things he loves about me (including his famous.. and slightly bizarre "you're the prettiest girl alive and prettier than any dead girl" line). He also wrote that he loved my crazy laugh, eyes, and that my heart is five times bigger than the Grinch's when he carved the roast beast etc.. :)

I could not believe my ears.
Here's my song: Prettier Than Any Dead Girl

Prettier Than Any Dead Girl from Heather Ozuna on Vimeo.

I do realize that Brett is not normal in the things he does for me which is why I'm so thankful that I not only got to be his girlfriend for almost four years but I will now be his wife for the rest of my life! Brett you continue to blow me away. Love you stink!

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