Thursday, November 13, 2008


What a glorious Thursdate... I am so thankful that I have been blessed with a man that is so in tune with what feeds my soul. He just knows what I need without ever asking. We went to our famous spot. The spot where the best talks happen, where I can feel God all around me, where we can get away from the world for awhile and just be together with God. We watched the sun set. Just after it set Brett ran to the car and grabbed a ton of stuff that had been hiding in the trunk. A picnic dinner, our bibles, and his guitar. We ate Antonelli's sandwiches and talked, then we broke out the flashlight and read our Bible's and worshiped to the sound of the waves and Brett's guitar. Joy.

I thought the night was over but we headed to Ghirardelli's to split a candy cane hot fudge sundae and then proceeded to Belmont Park for a ride on the rollercoaster and a walk down the boardwalk.
Isn't this giddy, ten feet off the ground, stomach dropping, butterfly feeling supposed to start fading a little after almost four years?

I need to figure out why my pictures get totally trashed in quality once I upload them here..

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