Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mr. Easy Bake

During a recent trip to Target we decided to take a walk down the toy aisle for fun. As were passing the girl section Brett stopped and peered down one of the aisles. After a long stare he says "did I ever tell you I had an easy bake oven?". I guess I'm not all that surprised considering the sweet tooth this boy has but I couldn't help but laugh. He was peering down the aisle because the easy bake ovens caught his eye and he couldn't believe all the options that have developed over the years. We went back to the easy bake aisle where we found unisex ovens (brett's was pink) and all kinds of packets to make all kinds of food. I'm sure most men would quiver at the thought of admitting that but he didn't care at all. And in that moment as I watched him eye all the glorious easy bake options, he was the cutest thing ever.

Brett and the easy bake "manly choice" complete with blue and faux stainless finishing...
Just ignore the little girl on the front. Easy bakes are for men.

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