Monday, May 18, 2009

Hot Waffles and Jacuzzis

Ok so this date is a little outdated now but as I was looking through pictures that I haven't posted I found them and we just had too much fun (as usual) not too post.

They're the peanut butter to our jelly (extra pb for lauren), they're the grease to our bread balls, they're the reeses to our blizzard, and they're the boba to our frubble.

She gets me, he gets him, and we're so thankful that we've been blessed with them as friends during this unique time in our lives... A time that no one can really understand until they're there.. and thankfully they're there with us!

oh and here's a little sneak peek of where it's all going down on August 7th...
I think they booked it because they heard they had free waffles.

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