Friday, May 15, 2009

and I say HEY! HEY! What a wonderful kind of day.

The other night B and I were talking to some friends about shows we watched when we were little. The first show that came to my mind was Arthur. I LOVED Arthur. I watched Arthur religiously. I'm pretty sure I can still recall ever single episode. It was totally a family thing too, we all loved Arthur. At the first sound of the theme song we all came running from our rooms to watch. You would think the love for the show would dwindle as years went by but... no. Being the oldest of 4 there was always someone in the appropriate age group to be watching Arthur.. so the love continued. It's been a while now (about 5 years. I'm 22.. you do the math) but after that conversation I was totally reminded of how amazing of a show it was!

Is it weird for 2 almost married adults to put the Arthur DVD's on their wedding registry?

... I think not

You got to listen to your heart
Listen to the beat
Listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street
Open up your eyes, open up your ears
Get together and make things better
By working together!

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