Friday, April 10, 2009


On this day a long time ago The God of the universe, creator of all, allowed himself to be nailed to a cross in order for us to know Him and have everlasting life. No matter how long ago it was, our need for His sacrifice is the same. The moment His blood hit the ground the wall between us and our maker was destroyed allowing us to enter into a real relationship with Him. He chose to travel a path that forced Him to take on all the sins of the world, that separated Him from the Father, that nailed Him to a cross until He bled and suffocated to death. He chose to travel this road so that we would never have to. What kind of God comes to earth, takes on the form of a human, and dies so that we can know Him. What kind of God dies?

While on the cross He died for you. You personally. He thought of you, He knew your name, He knew what every day would hold for you. He knew you, He knows you, He chose to die then so you could know Him now. If you're reading this and your carrying the sin in your life. If you're burdened, if you're ashamed, if you're guilty, if you're heavy hearted. Let it go. LET IT GO. Your sin is no longer yours. It's already been taken from you. He took it for you, on this day, a long time ago He took your sins and nailed them on the cross so you could be His. So be His.

"and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness;
by His wounds you were healed."
1 Peter 2:24

The storm moved in tonight. As the sky turned black and the water began to hit the ground I couldn't help but thank Him for the road He chose to travel so that I didn't have to.
A road of torture, suffering, and sacrifice...
But it doesn't end there...
In 2 days He did something that changed the world forever.

Camping 2

1 comment:

Andres said...

Awesome post, I really like the focus on God and his ultimate gift to us! Miss you all and the weather in Rumbek looks like your picture there. :)