The theme of our wedding has caused my eyes to be opened to the wonderful world of all things vintage. While creating the feel of our wedding I did a lot of research on vintage pieces trying to figure out which were most appropriate for our vibe. Well.. I have a feeling my new interest is going to be something that sticks around long after the wedding. I have fallen in love with the grimy, magical, whimsy of vintage collections. One element of our wedding is jars. I'm on a constant hunt for jars. I pop into every thrift store I pass for a quick look for some good jars. When I first started looking into jars I came across a jar collectors website. I perused the site and quickly learned a few things about jar collecting. First I learned that the "it" jars to collect are Ball Jars. I was immediately captivated by these jars. Every jar hold so much history and the good ones are the most beautiful blue color. "Ball Blue" to be exact. I'm a sucker for history, color, nostalgia, and it was no surprise that I fell so in love with these jars. I bought my first Ball jar a couple of months ago but it was the common clear jar and it was missing its original zinc lid.
Brett and I heard of a private estate sale happening in Poway this morning so we decided to pop in and check it out on our way out of town. We walked in and I about drooled all over my shirt. There were so many neat little treasures for such great prices. After some browsing I turned the corner and lifted my eyes to a cabinet. My eyes began dancing as they focused on all the stunning hues of "Ball Blue". I carefully picked my favorite, because I couldn't afford to buy more than one, then cradled it in my arms for the remaider of the time.
I'm so excited to have my first
blue Ball Jar... I say "first" because I'm already searching for the next:) It's so cool to have such a piece of history.
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