Friday, January 2, 2009


Brett pointed something out about me today that I've never really thought twice about...
My family is loud, obnoxious, messy, and quirky! Realllly quirky. That's why I love them so much!
But.. as Brett and I were leaving to go hang out with some friends I told him that I just needed to get some socks and put my shoes on. He thought I would head to my room but instead I grabbed "the basket" and started digging.

In my house we have a community sock basket. With 6 people (3 of whom all wear the same sock size and style) its impossible to keep socks separated! So.. We have our basket. When someone needs socks they just head to the basket and find some matches!
I know some people that read this are probably mortified at the idea of sharing socks but what can I say.. I don't know anything different. It's just the way we do it around here and I love it!

It's little things like that that I'll miss...


She Said... said...

sock basket? that sounds adorable!

Unknown said...

Random comment that doesn't fit this post: But BRETT needs a blog!