Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Day

Every year B and I like to do something fun on New Years Day. This year we went to Balboa park with my family. We spent most of the day in the Natural History Museum so I didn't take many pictures. Here's one of Maddy by the fountain, I gave her a penny to throw in. She refused to tell me her wish!

This was probably on of my favorite moments of the day.
After Balboa Park my family went home and Brett and I went to La Jolla. He was holding out the camera to take a picture of us and I started nagging about something.
(I wish I remembered why I was complaining so I could justify myself here and not sound like such nag lol).
He started taking pictures while I was trying to be serious.He just kept taking them and laughing.
I finally broke.
I love him so much!

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