Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Dream

Yesterday was my grandma's memorial. The night before, I had a dream.

In my dream I was in a room with family and friends. I was in the corner by myself just watching everyone and absorbing it all in. As I scanned the room and the people my eyes fell upon my grandma. She was so peaceful and even more beautiful. Just standing by herself a few feet away from some family members that were deep in conversation. She herself was scanning the room as well, just absorbing it all in. I only stared in disbelief for a few moments before her stare settled on me. I could do nothing but go to her. Our eyes were locked and it was if I floated to her. No one else in the room noticed or even seemed to exist. We just stared for a few moments. Her face was radiant, she was quiet, she was smiling, her spirit was so peaceful and content; unlike anyone I've ever seen. We embraced and neither of us let go for what seemed like an eternity. It was as if I was being embraced and clothed in eternity itself. The only question I asked her was "what's it like?". She didn't answer, all she did was look in my eyes and smile bigger. Her smile and joy that was flowing from her warm arms through my body was enough of an answer. We held tightly one last time before we let go and she left.

I woke up with so much joy and excitement for the day. The memorial was beautiful and perfect. It was exactly what she would've wanted. The whole day was centered around and glorifying to her perfect and loving savior. I think God gave me my dream last night as a gift... A warm, beautiful, comforting, encouraging gift. I'm so thankful for her life and I'm so thankful that she's safe in His arms for all eternity.

Below are the videos I put together for her memorial:

I Will Rise from Heather Ozuna on Vimeo.

Wish You Were Here from Heather Ozuna on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Lauren Herrington said...

i just wanted to tell you seeing the struggle, and hurt and your overwhelming faith through all this has truly been a testimony to me, and I'm sure to many others around you.

1 Tim6:12 "Fight the good fight for the faith. Keep holding on to eternal life, to which you were called and about which you gave a good testimony in front of many witnesses."
-i really feel that you lived out this verse.