Friday, October 3, 2008


Yesterday was mine and Brett's Halfaversary, 3 years and 6 months of awesomeness.
We celebrate this every year and we always do it the same!
We had dinner at Mrs. Knott's Famous Chicken Dinner (If you haven't been to this place, GO!) Then we went to Knott's "Scary" Farm and screamed our heads off. I swear Brett's going to have bruises on his sides from my death grip. As much as I don't like the idea of being jumped at, or blown on by strangers, or walking through places decorated in blood and dead bodies... It's awesome!! Probably my favorite thing about this time of year.

Notice the tense distance and faces... you never know what these monsters will do next.

Brett won me a cookie monster from the arcade on his first try! He said it was a miniature him.
His ability to win these things EVERY TIME was one of the first things that caught my eye when we were first dating. Even the arcade worker was impressed!

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