Say hello to Jack Skellington and Sally....
Friday, October 31, 2008
I can't believe Halloween has already come and gone! We had a last minute costume change this week so I was up until ungodly hours sewing last night. I won't say who had the last minute change of mind that required hours of sewing and scrambling from me the night before Halloween.... :) It was totally worth it though. We have so much fun during Halloween.
Say hello to Jack Skellington and Sally....

Say hello to Jack Skellington and Sally....
Thursday, October 30, 2008
This is my favorite time of the year and I'm soaking up every minute of it! Tonight Brett surprised me with a homemade "Thursdate" dinner for his mom, grandma, and I to enjoy. I was so proud. He cooked a cheese cider fondue, a pumpkin "Ghoulash" (beef stew slow cooked IN A PUMPKIN), and made candied pumpkin seeds and pumpkin shakes for dessert. Everything was delicious. He better be careful with all this good cooking or he might be doing all of the cooking one day.
After dinner we went to a family friends house to carve pumpkins. Brett (in a normal Brett fashion) decided to be different and carve his pumpkin upside down. I (in a normal heather mushy gushy fashion) decided to carve B & H love pumpkins sitting in a pumpkin patch.

After dinner we went to a family friends house to carve pumpkins. Brett (in a normal Brett fashion) decided to be different and carve his pumpkin upside down. I (in a normal heather mushy gushy fashion) decided to carve B & H love pumpkins sitting in a pumpkin patch.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Last night was so much fun!! We went on a ghost tour around San Diego with our friends and it was a blast. The boys wouldn't tell us where they were taking us until we got there so it was definitely a surprise when we found out we would be taken on a tour around San Diego (In a limo!!) and learn about the ghost stories for each place that we stopped. So much fun! It was a great Halloween date.
I think we were the only ones that thought it was dust...
or was it that we were the only ones that were sober?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Word
Friday, October 17, 2008
Butt Sniffing and Warm Sand
Blue skies, warm sand, crashing waves, big pink tongues, running wet balls of hair chasing each other, butt sniffing, and proud owners meeting and showing off their pups.
I love dog beach. So did Makita... Samba didn't really know how to process the whole thing (He's our socially retarded dog). But we had a great day nonetheless. There's just something so cute about dogs chasing each other in the sand.

I love dog beach. So did Makita... Samba didn't really know how to process the whole thing (He's our socially retarded dog). But we had a great day nonetheless. There's just something so cute about dogs chasing each other in the sand.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I went and watched Madison's soccer game this morning.
That girl can run!!!
She was a beast. Seriously she dominated the field. It was hilarious.
I guess it's official.. I'm the only kid in this family that didn't get the athlete gene. Oh well.
I'll stick to participating in sports from behind the lens.
She had the whole team chasing her.
That girl can run!!!
She was a beast. Seriously she dominated the field. It was hilarious.
I guess it's official.. I'm the only kid in this family that didn't get the athlete gene. Oh well.
I'll stick to participating in sports from behind the lens.
She had the whole team chasing her.
Last night I got to take B on a date!! This is exciting for me because he usually hogs all the dates;)
I took him to Disney on Ice and we had a blast!
...We were some of the tallest people there, considering most were under the age of 8.
As soon as the lights went down and Mickey came skating out on the ice we were jumping up and down, screaming, and clapping with the rest of the kids around us. It was awesome.
I took him to Disney on Ice and we had a blast!
...We were some of the tallest people there, considering most were under the age of 8.
As soon as the lights went down and Mickey came skating out on the ice we were jumping up and down, screaming, and clapping with the rest of the kids around us. It was awesome.
Friday, October 10, 2008
We went to Disneyland yesterday. We were just there less than 2 weeks ago, we were there 2 weeks before that, we were there at opening... and at the end of the day I was still sad that we had to leave:(
I love that place.
Brett took me to dinner at the Cafe Orleans for our first Monte Cristo sandwich. I must admit I was a little nervous about the idea of ham, swiss, turkey, powdered sugar, and jam... but it was AMAZING!
There was a bit of a wait for a table at the cafe but we had fun taking goofy pictures of ourselves while we waited:)
I love that place.
Brett took me to dinner at the Cafe Orleans for our first Monte Cristo sandwich. I must admit I was a little nervous about the idea of ham, swiss, turkey, powdered sugar, and jam... but it was AMAZING!
There was a bit of a wait for a table at the cafe but we had fun taking goofy pictures of ourselves while we waited:)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Family is out of town, sister is running in Oregon, 3 friends are at the river, 1 friend is on a cruise, B is at work....
So I'm at home all by my lonesome on this windy Saturday night.
So far... I've dyed my hair, given myself a manicure, pedicure, and now I'm sitting on the couch with a gallon of Caramel Caribou ice cream watching The Notebook with a conditioning mask on my hair and a sea mud mask on my face.
I was going to take a picture.. but after staring at myself for a minute I realized it was much easier to just copy and paste one from the internet..
Friday, October 3, 2008
Tonight was a blast!
My family's out of town and the house is empty:( so I had L&L over!
Brett and I made them a delicious dinner. We had sun dried tomato and goat cheese stuffed chicken breast with orzo and a shallot and basil sauce. We also made them the cheesy delicious Red Lobster cheddar biscuits! After dinner we went to Oktoberfest and walked around and got candied apples. I love street fairs!
My family's out of town and the house is empty:( so I had L&L over!
Brett and I made them a delicious dinner. We had sun dried tomato and goat cheese stuffed chicken breast with orzo and a shallot and basil sauce. We also made them the cheesy delicious Red Lobster cheddar biscuits! After dinner we went to Oktoberfest and walked around and got candied apples. I love street fairs!
Yesterday was mine and Brett's Halfaversary, 3 years and 6 months of awesomeness.
We celebrate this every year and we always do it the same!
We had dinner at Mrs. Knott's Famous Chicken Dinner (If you haven't been to this place, GO!) Then we went to Knott's "Scary" Farm and screamed our heads off. I swear Brett's going to have bruises on his sides from my death grip. As much as I don't like the idea of being jumped at, or blown on by strangers, or walking through places decorated in blood and dead bodies... It's awesome!! Probably my favorite thing about this time of year.
Notice the tense distance and faces... you never know what these monsters will do next.
Brett won me a cookie monster from the arcade on his first try! He said it was a miniature him.
His ability to win these things EVERY TIME was one of the first things that caught my eye when we were first dating. Even the arcade worker was impressed!
His ability to win these things EVERY TIME was one of the first things that caught my eye when we were first dating. Even the arcade worker was impressed!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Last Day
Today was my last day at Zino's!!!
I'm sort of nervous but I'm more excited to see what's ahead of me.
This past year has been such an great experience. I am so thankful that I was able to work under such an amazing stylist. A year ago I was praying for a assistant position... and when He answers prayers He really answers them. I couldn't have asked for a better salon, stylist, and clientele to train with. I'm excited but I have to admit.. I'm going to miss it a little. Especially her!!
Oh how I'm going to miss seeing her every 4 weeks! Catching up on bargain hunting and infecting her with my Disney addiction!!
After work I was supposed to go to Iprotect at The Rock but it was full to capacity! Amazing!
So Me, Brett, and L & L got some Chik-Fil-A and then decided to go an adventure.
We ended up at the cliffs in Point Loma. We saw a falling star, (I'm convinced it was a meteor or something.. I have never seen one so huge with a tail and falling so slowly.), we laughed.. A LOT, I held my pee for an ungodly amount of time and then we ended the night with smoothies and some good conversation.
I'm loving hanging out with those 2. It's nice to know a couple that's so much like us.
This past year has been such an great experience. I am so thankful that I was able to work under such an amazing stylist. A year ago I was praying for a assistant position... and when He answers prayers He really answers them. I couldn't have asked for a better salon, stylist, and clientele to train with. I'm excited but I have to admit.. I'm going to miss it a little. Especially her!!
After work I was supposed to go to Iprotect at The Rock but it was full to capacity! Amazing!
So Me, Brett, and L & L got some Chik-Fil-A and then decided to go an adventure.
We ended up at the cliffs in Point Loma. We saw a falling star, (I'm convinced it was a meteor or something.. I have never seen one so huge with a tail and falling so slowly.), we laughed.. A LOT, I held my pee for an ungodly amount of time and then we ended the night with smoothies and some good conversation.
I'm loving hanging out with those 2. It's nice to know a couple that's so much like us.
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