Saturday, January 24, 2009


L&L are engaged!!!!!!
Last night Luke popped the question and Lauren said yes!

I'm so excited Luke let me be apart of it. It was set up so beautifully. I got to hide and take pictures of the moment. It was absolutely amazing. Here's a video I put together for Lauren's Bday/Engagement Present.

Welcome to the club guys!.. Being engaged is AWESOME!

L & L's Proposal from Heather Ozuna on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Inspire 09

I finished the video and I'm so excited! I have been wanting to start up a creative ministry at church for a long time and it's finally happening. We showed it at church today and I'm praying that there are some creatives that feel led to join. I'm so excited.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


This morning I was processing all of the marriage retreat pictures in the church lobby. I was happily drinking my boba .. not bothering any flies.

I went to grab it off the table and take another drink when Aaron quickly stopped me and told me to look inside my straw. I looked down and this is what I saw.

I freaked. I almost drank a fly! And I totally would have thought it was a boba jelly and chewed it up.... ew. Thank you Aaron for saving me from fly and saving the mac from the boba that would have spewed out of my mouth when I found the little intruder!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Brett and I went on a Thursdate tonight. We went out to dinner then went to our spot to talk and hang out. I brought my camera (of course) and tried to take a picture that captured what this place is really like for us. I tried 2 or 3 times and I just couldn't capture the beauty and magic of this place. I changed spots and settings and tried one last time. The picture was perfect!.. and a plane happened to fly by at the same time leaving a perfect little light trail on the upper left corner. I love this photo.. it's my heart.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Filming Inspire

We filmed the Video for Inspire this afternoon and we had so much fun! Brett was our lovely actor and we got sushi after. Perfect. P.S. I've fallen in love with edamame!!



Sunday, January 11, 2009


Brett and I have started a new tradition. Every Sunday after church we go to Starbucks and talk and read our Bible together. It's ammmmmaaaaazzzziiinng. I love our sbux time. Today Brett experimented with his drink (he was trying to make it cheaper...of course) and he ended up with 3 empty cups and 1 cup of watery gross coffee!

Picture 261

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Dream

Yesterday was my grandma's memorial. The night before, I had a dream.

In my dream I was in a room with family and friends. I was in the corner by myself just watching everyone and absorbing it all in. As I scanned the room and the people my eyes fell upon my grandma. She was so peaceful and even more beautiful. Just standing by herself a few feet away from some family members that were deep in conversation. She herself was scanning the room as well, just absorbing it all in. I only stared in disbelief for a few moments before her stare settled on me. I could do nothing but go to her. Our eyes were locked and it was if I floated to her. No one else in the room noticed or even seemed to exist. We just stared for a few moments. Her face was radiant, she was quiet, she was smiling, her spirit was so peaceful and content; unlike anyone I've ever seen. We embraced and neither of us let go for what seemed like an eternity. It was as if I was being embraced and clothed in eternity itself. The only question I asked her was "what's it like?". She didn't answer, all she did was look in my eyes and smile bigger. Her smile and joy that was flowing from her warm arms through my body was enough of an answer. We held tightly one last time before we let go and she left.

I woke up with so much joy and excitement for the day. The memorial was beautiful and perfect. It was exactly what she would've wanted. The whole day was centered around and glorifying to her perfect and loving savior. I think God gave me my dream last night as a gift... A warm, beautiful, comforting, encouraging gift. I'm so thankful for her life and I'm so thankful that she's safe in His arms for all eternity.

Below are the videos I put together for her memorial:

I Will Rise from Heather Ozuna on Vimeo.

Wish You Were Here from Heather Ozuna on Vimeo.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Brett pointed something out about me today that I've never really thought twice about...
My family is loud, obnoxious, messy, and quirky! Realllly quirky. That's why I love them so much!
But.. as Brett and I were leaving to go hang out with some friends I told him that I just needed to get some socks and put my shoes on. He thought I would head to my room but instead I grabbed "the basket" and started digging.

In my house we have a community sock basket. With 6 people (3 of whom all wear the same sock size and style) its impossible to keep socks separated! So.. We have our basket. When someone needs socks they just head to the basket and find some matches!
I know some people that read this are probably mortified at the idea of sharing socks but what can I say.. I don't know anything different. It's just the way we do it around here and I love it!

It's little things like that that I'll miss...


I have gotten to be apart of their journey for a long time, It was such an amazing blessing to finally be able to meet her. What an amazing woman. He's had His hand on their lives since the very beginning and continues to bless them today.
Jenna gave Allie up for adoption 21 years ago and they reunited earlier this year! Watch their video here.


An ugly little habit of mine.
I think when I say "I work better under pressure" it really means I have to work my butt off because I waited so long and I don't have any other choice now.
B had to open at Starbucks this morning so at least I got to say goodnight and good morning all at the same time.

2009... less procrastinating

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Day

Every year B and I like to do something fun on New Years Day. This year we went to Balboa park with my family. We spent most of the day in the Natural History Museum so I didn't take many pictures. Here's one of Maddy by the fountain, I gave her a penny to throw in. She refused to tell me her wish!

This was probably on of my favorite moments of the day.
After Balboa Park my family went home and Brett and I went to La Jolla. He was holding out the camera to take a picture of us and I started nagging about something.
(I wish I remembered why I was complaining so I could justify myself here and not sound like such nag lol).
He started taking pictures while I was trying to be serious.He just kept taking them and laughing.
I finally broke.
I love him so much!

Happy New Year

I love the new year.
I got to spend time with the people I love and worship my creator for the life He's given me.

I'm excited for 2009. BIG things are to come:)
This time of year is such a blessing. It comes with such a fresh start.
It's a time to reflect, see what needs improvement, see how far you've come. It's a time for growth.

I'm setting some pretty big goals this year and I can't wait to get working!
What goals will you set?

Our 4th New Years Kiss!

This was her first New Years staying up until midnight. (She was explaining the countdown)