Saturday, August 15, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We're all moved in.. It was totally wierd at first but we got used to it pretty quickly. So far we haven't found any major quirks about living with each other (like everyone said we would). But I think that's because this is both of our first times out of our parents house and we're deciding together how we like everything to be. Although I did learn that all of B's shirts have to be washed inside out and hung to dry! Who does that?! I get the inside out thing for printed shirts but all of them hung to dry?! I told him I'll do it but I just can't guarantee I'll be doing that until the day we die.. haha! Everything has pretty much found a place in our little love nest. My next project is decorating. The walls and windows are all bare and it's driving me crazy.

Our wedding decorations have been recycled into home decorations. Recycle, Reuse...

This is the first meal I made Brett in our home. A turkey sandwich for lunch!

Mom showed me the ropes of grocery shopping.
Everything in my fridge is so much smaller than the sizes I'm used to my Mom buying for our big family. It's wierd.

I came home from a long day at work and B had candles lit, the table set, and was working hard on delicious homemade barbecue pizzas (his specialty). He's going to spoil me!

That's what's going on at Casa Pepin right now.
The adventures and memories just get crazier and sweeter everyday.
Updates are sure to come!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I got to spend a whole day with my amazing siblings! Now that the apartments getting settled in and livable they came over to spend the night:D We had so much fun. First we took Ellie to dog beach. I love it there. The dogs are so hilarious! Then we came back to the apt where we rolled out the pizza dough and made personal pizzas. After the pizzas we made some chewy, fudgy, delicious brownies and put ice cream over them. Then the night was finished of with a few episodes of Hannah Montana. The next morning we made chocolate chip pancakes.. my favorite. Madison was so funny. For some reason she can not walk without stomping... which I'm sure our down stairs neighbors enjoyed. I had to keep reminding her to watch her feet. By the next morning she had heard it so many times she finally responded with "Heather, I'm not used to living in a hotel!" Hahaha she calls it a hotel. Love it!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Working On It

I am soooooo behind on updates! Getting back to reality is a time consuming thing. With all of these transitions and changes we're like 2 fish out of water... but we're having tons of fun! Updates to come!