Friday, April 10, 2009


On this day a long time ago The God of the universe, creator of all, allowed himself to be nailed to a cross in order for us to know Him and have everlasting life. No matter how long ago it was, our need for His sacrifice is the same. The moment His blood hit the ground the wall between us and our maker was destroyed allowing us to enter into a real relationship with Him. He chose to travel a path that forced Him to take on all the sins of the world, that separated Him from the Father, that nailed Him to a cross until He bled and suffocated to death. He chose to travel this road so that we would never have to. What kind of God comes to earth, takes on the form of a human, and dies so that we can know Him. What kind of God dies?

While on the cross He died for you. You personally. He thought of you, He knew your name, He knew what every day would hold for you. He knew you, He knows you, He chose to die then so you could know Him now. If you're reading this and your carrying the sin in your life. If you're burdened, if you're ashamed, if you're guilty, if you're heavy hearted. Let it go. LET IT GO. Your sin is no longer yours. It's already been taken from you. He took it for you, on this day, a long time ago He took your sins and nailed them on the cross so you could be His. So be His.

"and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness;
by His wounds you were healed."
1 Peter 2:24

The storm moved in tonight. As the sky turned black and the water began to hit the ground I couldn't help but thank Him for the road He chose to travel so that I didn't have to.
A road of torture, suffering, and sacrifice...
But it doesn't end there...
In 2 days He did something that changed the world forever.

Camping 2

Living in a Field 4

A storm is a brewin'

Camping 2

Living in a Field 3

I always heard fishing consisted of waiting and waiting and waiting patiently for hours until the fish decides to nibble.

Here that is definitely not the case. We have caught (and released) over 70 fish between all the people in our group. Brett had his first fishing experience today.
First, he baited the hook, cast the line, and about 8 seconds later was reeling in a fish! So I tried and the same thing happened. We both caught our first fish!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Living in a Field 2

We took a little walk this evening.. but then it got too cold and dinner was ready:)

Living in a Field 1

I've traded life in the city for living in a field for a few days.

It's beautiful here. I only get 3 days of this and I plan on soaking up every last drop of it.
I have absolutely no cell reception and I love it. But amazingly enough I get great internet signal! I'm so excited to spend these next three days taking photos, talking to God, eating, finding adventure, laughing with my family, and loving my future hubby.

I'm also excited to get so much time to catch up on blogging!

Having a Ball

The theme of our wedding has caused my eyes to be opened to the wonderful world of all things vintage. While creating the feel of our wedding I did a lot of research on vintage pieces trying to figure out which were most appropriate for our vibe. Well.. I have a feeling my new interest is going to be something that sticks around long after the wedding. I have fallen in love with the grimy, magical, whimsy of vintage collections. One element of our wedding is jars. I'm on a constant hunt for jars. I pop into every thrift store I pass for a quick look for some good jars. When I first started looking into jars I came across a jar collectors website. I perused the site and quickly learned a few things about jar collecting. First I learned that the "it" jars to collect are Ball Jars. I was immediately captivated by these jars. Every jar hold so much history and the good ones are the most beautiful blue color. "Ball Blue" to be exact. I'm a sucker for history, color, nostalgia, and it was no surprise that I fell so in love with these jars. I bought my first Ball jar a couple of months ago but it was the common clear jar and it was missing its original zinc lid.

Brett and I heard of a private estate sale happening in Poway this morning so we decided to pop in and check it out on our way out of town. We walked in and I about drooled all over my shirt. There were so many neat little treasures for such great prices. After some browsing I turned the corner and lifted my eyes to a cabinet. My eyes began dancing as they focused on all the stunning hues of "Ball Blue". I carefully picked my favorite, because I couldn't afford to buy more than one, then cradled it in my arms for the remaider of the time.

I'm so excited to have my first blue Ball Jar... I say "first" because I'm already searching for the next:) It's so cool to have such a piece of history.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I can't believe it... we're getting married!
Now don't worry, this isn't my first realization of our marriage...
It's just so around the corner now that it actually feels like it's happening! I'm so excited!!!!!

The dress is bought, save the dates are sent, decorations are collecting, new furniture is being stored...

I now give you an STD..
short for Save The Date:)

14 and weeks and 4 days left... but who's counting? ;)