I have an amazing Grandpa. He is so much fun and we are so much alike in so many quirky ways. We both have an unhealthy passion for all things Disney. My Grandpa took me to my first hardcore rock concert.. I believe the name of the concert was Bloodfeast. He wears awesome jeans and know awesome things. I think I inherited my love for photography from him. After my Grandma died we went through tons of pictures and in so many of them my Grandpa was found in the background meddling with the camera. Fast foward about 35 years and it's the same scenario. Family gatherings, BBQ's, graduations... there's Grandpa, in the background meddling with his camera. We have started going on photography adventures together and these are some of the shots from our first adventure. We went another adventure last week. I'm going to try and get those pictures up tomorrow but in the meantime here are the ones from last time. We had so much fun meeting and chatting with all the lovely people of OB

This woman was F-I-E-R-C-E. Fierce.
She was ripping the head off her fish and de-boning them all by hand!
She loved the camera attention;)
This bird wouldn't leave the fierce woman's side. He was enjoying the freshest sushi in town!
(Note the fish blood on his beak. Ew.)
Anyone that knows me well enough knows my love for old people.
I love them. I think they are the cutest, sweetest people on earth.
This man was walking the street picking up all the bits of trash.
So sweet.
This guy had some amazing art ideas.
This guy rocks.I love the rose on his handlebars and his bright yellow flag!

We are having so much fun on our photo adventures. Brett joined us on the last one. It was an amazing day and I can't wait to get the pics up!