Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Yesterday was so amazing!
Now most girls would probably think this is the most unromantic date ever BUT I thought it was amazing. He knows me so well. B took me to the Reagan Library up north. Not only did we get to see the beautiful museum but for three days they had the original Emancipation Proclamation hand signed by Abraham Lincoln on display. It is only allowed to be displayed for a total of 48 hours every year so it's very hard to come across. We also got to walk through the exact Air Force One that was used to fly Reagan throughout most of his presidency and see a huge chunk of the Berlin Wall (so heavy that they had to leave it to be displayed out in the courtyard). I don't know what it is but days like yesterday really feed my soul. After we were done at the museum we spent the rest of the day at Disneyland!!

Ronald Reagan's burial site.

It finally happened!!!!! We got stuck on a ride and they had to escort us off... and not just any ride. Brett's favorite ride!! We've been waiting FOREVER for this to happen!!

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