Sunday, September 28, 2008


I get quiet on days like today..

My only comfort is the comfort in knowing that she's in His hands.

(still in heels of course)

I wish she knew how strong she is. I wish she realized how faithful He is. I hope she sees the blessings coming from this. I hope that she notices the transformation He's done in her life.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Nights like these..

Last night was Grillfest for Overflow. It was the first time having it at a park instead of someones house so it ended a little early. Me, Brett, Luke and Lauren decided to go to the beach to hang out for a little while. We watched the chubby seals sleep for awhile before we went and found a cliff to sit on. We found a group of night scuba divers so we decided to watch them in amazement... how could they voluntarily get in the ocean at night AND swim out further then I would even in the daylight?! I don't get it. They were crazy but it was really cool to watch.

This picture was taken with a longer exposure so you can see the trail of their lights as they wandered around out in the water... and in the lower right is our shadow as we watched them from the cliff! (I'm the one on the left laying on the floor to keep the camera still:) )

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Yesterday was so amazing!
Now most girls would probably think this is the most unromantic date ever BUT I thought it was amazing. He knows me so well. B took me to the Reagan Library up north. Not only did we get to see the beautiful museum but for three days they had the original Emancipation Proclamation hand signed by Abraham Lincoln on display. It is only allowed to be displayed for a total of 48 hours every year so it's very hard to come across. We also got to walk through the exact Air Force One that was used to fly Reagan throughout most of his presidency and see a huge chunk of the Berlin Wall (so heavy that they had to leave it to be displayed out in the courtyard). I don't know what it is but days like yesterday really feed my soul. After we were done at the museum we spent the rest of the day at Disneyland!!

Ronald Reagan's burial site.

It finally happened!!!!! We got stuck on a ride and they had to escort us off... and not just any ride. Brett's favorite ride!! We've been waiting FOREVER for this to happen!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

..... tuesdate?

So this week Brett's taking me on a Tuesdate.

This Tuesdate required me to get my shift covered at work tomorrow, cancel 2 appointments, and I was told this evening that I am to be ready by 6am.

I can't wait!!!!!
I have no idea what we're doing but a whole day with my magnificent boyfriend sounds glorious!

I better get some sleep.. Update to come!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


There's nothing like making homemade pizza with friends!
We did the usual pepperoni but we made one with pesto as sauce, cheese, chicken, mushrooms, and garlic... HEAVENLY.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today I bought fall scrapbooking paper just because it was so pretty...
I'm sad to see summer go but I'm excited for fall this year.
This morning on the way to work all I could think about was being able to bake again without worrying about heating the house up.

There's nothing like baking... but there's nothing like baking when it's cold outside.

Allie's 21!!

I'm a little late on this post but it took me awhile to finish the video.
Her 3 day birthday extravaganza was a blast!
I love doing things for that girl.. not only does she deserve it, but it's just so fun to watch her squirm:D

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hair fumes, Grandma's, Scales, and some White Lady...

Hair fumes, Grandma's, Scales, and some White Lady...
make for a good night and a successful platinum head of hair.

I seriously don't know if I've ever laughed as hard as I laughed tonight..


Tonight was so much fun!
We had dinner at Buca Di Beppo and did what we do best.. we ate more than is healthy.
Our meal:
1 Bruschetta Appetizer
1 Angelo Pizza
and then we split Chicken Parmesan and a side of spaghetti.

After dinner we browsed around Urban Outfitters then went next door to Ghirardelli's and got a mint and chip, dark chocolate fudge sundae.
We did some more browsing around Horton Plaza and ended the night at Sunset Cliffs where we watched the stars and talked about God and life and music and astronomy.
He just gets me like no one else does.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Tonight finally came! After months, of dreaming, praying, and planning... It happened.
We had our first Overflow service and it was amazing!!
God is moving and I'm so thankful to be apart of it.

*high fives for Overflow*

Sunday, September 14, 2008

7 years of bad luck....

Thank goodness I'm not a person of superstitious nature.
In the past week I swept my room and found this in the pile

and today I broke a mirror...

uh oh.

Monday, September 8, 2008

JM Wedding

Jame's and Michelle's wedding was beautiful and so much fun! Here's a few shots from the morning of.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


He cracks me up!!!!!
He was done enjoying his burger in the backyard and wanted inside.