Last night was Grillfest for Overflow. It was the first time having it at a park instead of someones house so it ended a little early. Me, Brett, Luke and Lauren decided to go to the beach to hang out for a little while. We watched the chubby seals sleep for awhile before we went and found a cliff to sit on. We found a group of night scuba divers so we decided to watch them in amazement... how could they voluntarily get in the ocean at night AND swim out further then I would even in the daylight?! I don't get it. They were crazy but it was really cool to watch.

This picture was taken with a longer exposure so you can see the trail of their lights as they wandered around out in the water... and in the lower right is our shadow as we watched them from the cliff! (I'm the one on the left laying on the floor to keep the camera still:) )