Saturday, August 30, 2008


The face of a murderer......
So let me set the scene...
I was leaving to Genieva's meet and Brett was staying at my house until he had to go to work. Two valentines days ago Brett bought me a love fish and we named him Shampu. The deal was: I would host the fish and love the fish and brett would clean the bowl. So before I walked out the door I asked him if he could clean the fish bowl before work.

The fish lives here:

and the bowl is placed here:

So when I got home why was the fish here?:

After thinking it was my feather earring and realizing it was our fish I freaked out and found someone else in the house to take care of the situation.

We originally named this fish Shamu because of its jumping abilities. I would often hear it splash as it jumped up and dove back into its bowl. Madison thought Shamu's name was Shampu and so it stuck. Knowing this fish's jumping talent Brett filled the bowl to the brim and apparently Shampu was so excited for a clean bowl he went into a jumping frenzy and...

Shampu the love fish:

Friday, August 29, 2008


Today was her first college meet!! I was so proud of her!!!!

My feet are much happier here than on that track!


Brett took me on a picnic at Balboa Park. After we ate we laid in the grass and watched the planes fly over.
He always know when I need a daydreaming day.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


This is a lot harder than I expected.
I've lived next door or in the same room with this girl for the past 18 years.. and today I helped move her in and decorate her dorm where she will live and laugh with someone that's not me.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


The concert was so good.
This guy really knows hot to lead a room in worship!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Tonight was one heck of a sunset.